Florida Condominium Collapse Forces Massachusetts To Reevaluate Construction And Design Liability Laws

Many states and jurisdictions, including Massachusetts, have been prompted to re-examine their construction and design liability related laws in the wake of the Champlain Towers South high-rise condominium collapse in Surfside, Florida. One such law is under particular scrutiny in Massachusetts. In Massachusetts, Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 260, §2B (the “Statute of Repose”) generally prevents the enforceability of any “action of tort for damages arising out of any deficiency or neglect in the design, planning, construction […]

By | February 3rd, 2022 ||

Termination Of Construction Contract For Convenience By Project Owner

In the past, construction contracts could typically only be terminated if there was a breach of the construction agreement by the owner or contractor. Under such scenarios, litigation often arose concerning whether the termination was proper and whether the contractor might be entitled to lost profits and other damages as a result of the purported unlawful termination. This resulted in costly litigation for both an owner and a contractor if there were potential issues […]

By | January 29th, 2022 ||

Construction Comparative Guide

1 Legal framework
1.1 Which legislative and regulatory provisions govern construction projects in your jurisdiction?
A vast array of legislative and regulatory provisions govern construction in the United States, at both the federal and state levels, as well as the local level (cities and municipalities). Depending on the project, an owner or contracting party may be subject to one or more of these statutory and regulatory frameworks. The types of laws affecting construction generally include:

public […]

By | January 25th, 2022 ||